Thursday, December 12, 2013

10 Easy Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Have you ever wondered which, if any, whitening systems out there today actually work? Well we're here to give you some real insight on what works and doesn't work when it comes to whitening your teeth. In addition to keeping up with your brushing and flossing twice a day, every day, here are a few different, effective ways to keep your "sparkly whites" white.

1. Whitening Toothpaste (whiten about 1 shade): As you are probably already aware of, numerous teeth whitening toothpastes are on the market today. Whitening toothpastes can help in eliminating surface stains but will not help lighten the color deep inside the tooth.

2. Whitening Rinses (whiten up to 2 shades): Many teeth whitening rinses will contain hydrogen peroxide, which will help in making your smile look brighter. Again, just like whitening toothpaste, rinses will only eliminate surface stains.

3. Whitening Strips (between 1 and 3 shades): These are very thin, almost undetectable peroxide-lined strips. The makers of these products state to use their strips twice a day for 30 minutes.
4. Dental Bleach Trays (between 3 and 5 shades): Most commonly purchased at your dentist's office, bleach trays will be molded and fitted to your mouth. You'll see a jump in price from strips to trays, but the results speak for themselves

5. In-Office Whitening (up to 8 shades): In-office whitening is the fastest and most effective method of them all. There are many types of in-office whitening products on the market, such as Zoom! and DaVinci. These treatments are safe, quick, non-abrasive laser bleaching processes that lighen the discoloration enamel and dentin.
Do you tend to stay away from the higher end whitening toothpastes and treatment? Here are a few at-home remedies that should also help get the job done:

6. Baking Soda: Some people still prefer using a combination of baking soda and a toothbrush to gently whiten teeth. Some people even splash half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in with the baking soda to help whiten teeth.

7. A Few Different Foods: Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples, celery and carrots, will produce saliva which helps wash food and debris away from your teeth.

8. Avoid Staining Foods/Drinks: Use a straw or steer clear from beverages, such as red wine and coffee that will stain your teeth. Also, try to immediately brush after eating deep color fruits and veggies such as blueberries, raspberries, beets etc..

9. Don't Light Up: Tobacco products are one of the most notorious staining offenders.Tobacco leaves brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. This stains can become extremely hard to remove after years of smoking.

10. Check Your Medication: A handful of medications, such as some antihistamines and blood pressure medications can cause tooth stains. Many antibacterial mouthwashes can also tarnish teeth, so make sure you speak with your dentist before using specific mouthwashes.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Recovery and Treatment

Did you just recently get your wisdom teeth removed or are you doing a little research before your procedure? Well don't worry! Don't get it twisted or let others steer you wrong. Wisdom teeth extraction doesn't have to be a painful experience and in actuality, recovery time can actually be very quick with the correct care and treatment.
What are wisdom teeth exactly? Wisdom teeth are each of the four rear molars which normally begin to appear between the ages of 18-21, although they have been known to appear at any time. Once they begin to show, your dentist will determine when they should be removed. Before removal, your dentist will give you a local or general anesthetic for numbing the extraction area, depending on the individual's pain threshold and comfort. After the tooth is removed, some patients will require stitches. Not to worry, most of the time these stitches will dissolve in only a few days, although your dentist will give you the details.
What to do after surgery? This is where your recovery time can be sped up and where your pain can be reduced quickly.
1. Your dentist should have already instructed you to do so, but gently bite down on a gauze pad from time to time and change pads as they become absorbed with blood. It sounds a little gross but this is something you'll have to do.
2. Do not lie flat, as it will prolong the bleeding. The faster the bleeding ceases, the faster you'll be on your way to recovery!
3. For the first day, lightly press an ice pack to the outside of the painful areas. After day one, switch from an ice pack to a warm towel or wash cloth.
4. Make sure you are only consuming soft food, such as thin soup or pudding, for the first couple of days. As you heal, slowly begin to add solid foods back into your diet.
5. On day 2 of recovery, tenderly rinse your mouth with salt water 5-8 times per day. This will help reduce swelling and soreness.
6. Continue to keep your mouth clean. Brush as usual but refrain from touching or rubbing the area with your tongue or toothbrush.

The Beauty Of Dentistry

The Beauty Of Dentistry
Everyone dreams of having a white smile with perfectly straight teeth. However, sometimes the teeth can be crooked or misaligned, and that smile can be a lot less than perfect. For a long time, people who had bad smiles had to put up with their crooked teeth whenever they looked in a mirror, but now there is something that can be done about that less than perfect smile. A trip to a cosmetic dentist can turn that smile into something that a man or woman is going to not only show off, but be very proud of every time they grin at someone.
Cosmetic Dentists Are Becoming Popular
When it comes to the world of dentists, cosmetic dentistry has not been around very long. Many dentists do work on teeth, but the aesthetics part of dentistry is a fairly new area. A cosmetic dentist is one that has the job of taking even the teeth that are in the worst shape and turning them into a beautiful smile that will last for a lifetime. Here is more information on what people can expect when they make an appointment to see someone who has the task of turning teeth beautiful:
The most modern technology: The world of medicine is always getting better, and cosmetic dentistry too is getting better because newer and better technology and equipment is always coming out. People who are having problems with their teeth being unsightly are going to gain access to the newest and most modern techniques available to take care of their teeth and make them look better.
A relaxing environment: Going to the dentist can be a very traumatic experience, and some people can be terrified of going even if it is for a routine checkup and basic examination. However, a cosmetic dentist is going to more than likely use sedation, which is when a person can breathe in nitrous gas, and that gas is going to go into a patient's body and help them relax and feel a lot better.
Hard working reliable professionals: The staffs at dentist's offices are very important because they are the first person, patients are coming into contact with when they enter a clinic. The staff has to be professional, but at the same time they have to be good at dealing with the public plus know how to do their job efficiently and effectively. If a dentist has an incompetent staff of rude people, then that dental professional will not have patients for long, and those patients will go find a better dentist whose staff treats them better and with respect.
Dentists have been around for hundreds of years, but the way that they treat the teeth has changed a lot since those days. A cosmetic dentist is a dentist that deals with making the teeth beautiful so a patient can have a lovely smile they are proud of. Cosmetic dentistry has not been around for long, but it is becoming popular because people want a smile they can show off to everyone and be happy when they see it in the mirror.

Sensitive Teeth? One of These May Be the Culprit

Sensitive Teeth? One of These May Be the Culprit

If particularly cold or hot foods and drinks make you cringe when they hit your teeth, you may think you have sensitive teeth and that's that. In fact, there are many things you may be doing (or not doing) to cause your teeth to be more sensitive, and getting to the bottom of what's causing your sensitivity can also improve your oral health overall.
-Bruxism, or tooth grinding, is an extremely common problem, especially amongst those feeling chronically stressed or anxious. Generally people clench their jaws together or grind teeth against each other, often in their sleep. If you're a nighttime grinder, it may be difficult to diagnose, but your dentist can take a look at your teeth and see telltale signs of bruxism- flattened/worn down tips of teeth and cracked or broken teeth are common in severe cases. He or she can also prescribe a mouth guard to keep you from damaging your teeth while you sleep.
How does bruxism cause sensitivity? Grinding teeth together wears away at the enamel. If it persists long enough, you can strip away enough enamel to expose the more sensitive inner layers of teeth.
-Acidic foods are another major culprit when it comes to enamel damage. Foods with high acidity levels like soda, red wine, energy drinks, pickles and many fruits can eat away at enamel over time. Many people unknowingly worsen the damage by brushing their teeth immediately after consuming these types of foods. In fact, highly acidic foods can temporarily weaken or soften your enamel, so brushing immediately can cause minute scratches and scrapes in enamel. Wait 20 to 30 minutes after eating, and then brush your teeth to receive maximum health benefits while inflicting minimum damage.
How do acidic foods cause sensitivity? In much the same way as bruxism wears away at enamel, acidic foods strip your teeth of their enamel over time, exposing the sensitive middle of the teeth.
-Gum disease is very common in adults and can result from lack of proper preventative care like brushing and flossing. Symptoms like bleeding during brushing or flossing, receding gums, sore gums, loose teeth, puffy, painful gums, and/or pain when chewing may point to gum disease. Your dentist can tell you whether you're at risk or currently have gum disease, and provide you with a treatment plan to lessen or even reverse the damage.
How does gum disease cause sensitivity? As gum disease progresses, the gums can pull away from the base of the teeth, exposing the root. Since the root is normally covered by the gums, it does not have a protective layer of enamel, so when extreme temperatures or even firm pressure is applied to these areas, it tends to be uncomfortable.
-Brushing too hard or with a stiff-bristled brush can damage enamel over time as well. It may seem to make sense that brushing harder makes your teeth cleaner, but in fact there's only so much a toothbrush can do. If you're still scrubbing away after the two-minute mark, chances are you've stopped cleaning and started scratching. In the same vein, most people don't need a stiff-bristled toothbrush- soft or medium bristles actually clean better by being more flexible and gentle.
How does brushing too hard or with the wrong brush cause sensitivity? If you guessed 'because it damages enamel' you've got it. Anything that wears away or damages enamel can make your teeth more sensitive over time.
If you have sensitive teeth, it's not necessarily something you have to live with. Your dentist can tell you if you're at risk or suffering from any of these conditions, or others that may potentially cause sensitivity. Often you can do certain things to lessen your discomfort, but remember that when tooth enamel is gone, it's gone for good- so be careful with what you have!

How to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

Necessity for strong teeth and gums
Teeth are not made up of bones but of tissues that vary in density. They help in breaking down food before it goes to the stomach. It is necessary to maintain good and healthy teeth and gums. Without nutritious teeth and gums, eating even tastiest of foods becomes difficult and annoying. The teeth also reflects a lot on your hygiene and adds beauty to the person. The gums have to be very strong because they hold the teeth. If the germs attack the gums, the roots of the teeth get affected, thus becoming weak. In order to maintain healthy set of teeth and gums, it is necessary to follow the given steps.
Brushing your teeth twice a day and cleaning tongue
Brushing the teeth is a common activity every day however we do not take a lot of care while brushing. It has to be done with utmost care to remove all the particles in the mouth and no part of the teeth must be left without being brushed. It has to be done at least twice a day, morning after getting up and before sleeping in the night. Brushing in the night is as compulsory as brushing during the dawn as it helps to take care of the teeth for the whole night. In addition to teeth, it is highly important to clean your tongue every day.
Rinsing mouth with mouth wash or salt water
It is necessary to rinse mouth after every meal or snacks. It is advisable to rinse mouth well especially after eating a chocolate. Mouth wash can be used for rinsing mouth as it also cleans the gums and keeps it strong. When rinsing using mouth wash is done regularly, the particles which cannot be removed by brush can be gargled out. It also helps in removing bad odor from the mouth. You can use salt water to rinse the mouth as it is a good cleansing agent and removes microbes as well. A salt based tooth paste can be equally helpful to remove bacteria and other germs from the teeth. Green tea is a good anti-oxidant and it can be used for mouth wash as well.
Eating calcium rich foods
It is necessary to consume calcium rich foods in your regular diet. Milk and yogurt contain large amount of calcium and is very helpful for the growth of teeth. Cheese is very helpful to maintain the pH of the mouth. One cup of almonds can be taken every day for good set of teeth. Cabbage and leafy vegetables are very rich in calcium and help in the growth of bones. In non-vegetarian foods, canned fish is rich is calcium.
Avoid eating sticky chocolates
Chocolates and sweets are healthy and they provide instant energy, however they must be taken in limited quantity. If a small particle of chocolate settles in between your teeth, then it may cause problems for your teeth. If you leave it carefree, it may even lead to decay of that tooth, leading to its removal. Therefore, even if you eat chocolate, make sure you brush immediately and remove all particles from the mouth.
Consuming foods that clean your teeth
Some foods like apple, carrot and celery help in cleaning the teeth as they are eaten. It keeps the gums strong and also decreases the cavities. Besides eating these foods, it is recommended to hydrate yourself regularly. When you drink a glass of water once an hour, it helps in removing bacteria from the mouth and prevents gum disease. Thus by following these steps, you can have healthy set of teeth and gums.