Thursday, December 12, 2013

10 Easy Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Have you ever wondered which, if any, whitening systems out there today actually work? Well we're here to give you some real insight on what works and doesn't work when it comes to whitening your teeth. In addition to keeping up with your brushing and flossing twice a day, every day, here are a few different, effective ways to keep your "sparkly whites" white.

1. Whitening Toothpaste (whiten about 1 shade): As you are probably already aware of, numerous teeth whitening toothpastes are on the market today. Whitening toothpastes can help in eliminating surface stains but will not help lighten the color deep inside the tooth.

2. Whitening Rinses (whiten up to 2 shades): Many teeth whitening rinses will contain hydrogen peroxide, which will help in making your smile look brighter. Again, just like whitening toothpaste, rinses will only eliminate surface stains.

3. Whitening Strips (between 1 and 3 shades): These are very thin, almost undetectable peroxide-lined strips. The makers of these products state to use their strips twice a day for 30 minutes.
4. Dental Bleach Trays (between 3 and 5 shades): Most commonly purchased at your dentist's office, bleach trays will be molded and fitted to your mouth. You'll see a jump in price from strips to trays, but the results speak for themselves

5. In-Office Whitening (up to 8 shades): In-office whitening is the fastest and most effective method of them all. There are many types of in-office whitening products on the market, such as Zoom! and DaVinci. These treatments are safe, quick, non-abrasive laser bleaching processes that lighen the discoloration enamel and dentin.
Do you tend to stay away from the higher end whitening toothpastes and treatment? Here are a few at-home remedies that should also help get the job done:

6. Baking Soda: Some people still prefer using a combination of baking soda and a toothbrush to gently whiten teeth. Some people even splash half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in with the baking soda to help whiten teeth.

7. A Few Different Foods: Crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples, celery and carrots, will produce saliva which helps wash food and debris away from your teeth.

8. Avoid Staining Foods/Drinks: Use a straw or steer clear from beverages, such as red wine and coffee that will stain your teeth. Also, try to immediately brush after eating deep color fruits and veggies such as blueberries, raspberries, beets etc..

9. Don't Light Up: Tobacco products are one of the most notorious staining offenders.Tobacco leaves brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. This stains can become extremely hard to remove after years of smoking.

10. Check Your Medication: A handful of medications, such as some antihistamines and blood pressure medications can cause tooth stains. Many antibacterial mouthwashes can also tarnish teeth, so make sure you speak with your dentist before using specific mouthwashes.

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