Saturday, December 7, 2013

Look in to Dental Bonding for Minor Repairs

Look in to Dental Bonding for Minor Repairs

Are you hesitant to smile because of chipped or broken teeth? If so, dental bonding may the answer you're looking for. Bonding is one of the simplest and most inexpensive cosmetic procedures for teeth, and usually doesn't require anesthesia.
What is dental bonding?
Bonding refers to a process in which a plastic resin material is glued (or bonded) to a tooth in need of repair. Your dentist will choose the shade that most closely matches your tooth color, and then score the tooth that the resin will be attached to with a tool or acidic solution. It's painless, and much the same concept as sanding or filing a surface before you glue something to it- a rough surface will hold adhesive much more strongly. The dentist will then attach the resin to the area that needs repair, and the resin will be shaped to fit. The bonding is completed by allowing the material to harden, and then polishing it to match the texture and shape of the rest of the tooth. Bonding for a single tooth or area will typically take around thirty minutes.
How do I know if bonding would be a good idea for me?
Dental bonding is generally recommended for people with minimal aesthetic issues such as small cracks or chips. Teeth that are structurally damaged or extremely decayed need a stronger repair material than bonding resin, but it can be a good alternative to metal fillings for very small cavities. If you're looking for a relatively inexpensive way to fix cosmetic issues with your teeth, inquire about your dentist's bonding experience at your next visit. If your dentist isn't particularly experienced when it comes to dental bonding, you may want to have this particular procedure completed elsewhere- it takes some skill to accurately mold the composite material to the desired shape.
What are the drawbacks to dental bonding?
The material used in bonding is not as strong as what's used for dental crowns or veneers, so it's not ideal for teeth that are missing large areas or teeth with structural issues. The lack of long-term strength also means that teeth repaired with bonding material will usually need to be retreated in five to ten years; it's more easily chipped than other repair materials like porcelain or metal. Grinding your teeth or chewing items that aren't meant to be chewed, like ice or fingernails, can easily damage your bonding. It's also fairly easy to stain, so if you opt for this procedure, you'll want to watch your intake of food and drinks like coffee and red wine so as to maintain the repair for as long as possible.

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