Monday, December 9, 2013

Simple Methods for Curing Tooth Pain

7 Simple Methods for Curing Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is something that people never want to have as it steals away all the concentration and keeps us from focusing on our routine works. It can however start due to a lot of factors, for example; popping up of a wisdom tooth, food particles getting stuck in cavities or weakening up of the roots due to which the tooth dislocates from its gum socket. The pain caused by these tooth problems can be very unpleasant if not cured immediately. Below are 7 simple steps that you can follow for curing your oral problem and you must go through them very carefully.
As said earlier, the pain in your tooth can also be due to a small food particle stuck between the cavities and flossing is going to help big time. It is crucial that you search online about the kind of thread that you should use as picking up a random one might damage your teeth and make them loose.
Make sure that you rinse your mouth properly with warm water so that the foul smell can also go away. Rinsing is considered to be a very crucial step as it helps you get rid of the food particle without the slightest sensation of pain.
Warm up half a glass of water and pinch some regular salt into it for gargle. Gargling with salt water is very healthy for the throat as well as your mouth as it washes away all foul smell from the root which will also help you strengthen your confidence around your folks.
Garlic treatment
If the pain has gone worse, then the best thing to do is opting for the garlic treatment. Cut a small piece of garlic and sprinkle some salt on it after which you should place it beside the tooth that is paining as its juices will cut down some slack on the pain so that you can get your attention to other important matters.
Fixing a small piece of ice beside the paining tooth is very helpful as it will eventually numb the gum that is considered to be very beneficial short term remedy. If not ice, you can also try on drinking cold coffee, ice cream and lots of other cold beverages.
Start brushing your teeth two times a day as sometimes the cause of pain can also be cavities that form due to food particles sticking in between the gaping. This will help in getting rid of the food that you eat and eventually the cavity will fill up with calcium formation.
Clove juices
Clove is also a very trusted home remedy for curing tooth pain as its juices are soaked by the gums that give a sensation of relief to the roots if there is a dislocation in the tooth.

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